Set up rust build environment

rustup toolchain install nightly
rustup component add rust-src --toolchain nightly
apt install {binutils,gcc}-mips-linux-gnu

Choose glibc or musl as your libc

You can use glibc, but it’s not worked as well for me as using musl. I got some missing symbols when trying this on larger programs with glibc. So I recommend using musl.

mips-unknown-linux-musl is with musl libc, and mips-unknown-linux-gnu is glibc.

Optional: Set up for glibc

I needed to create a special target for glibc, to turn on soft-float. soft-float seems on by default in mips-unknown-linux-musl.

rustc +nightly \
    -Z unstable-options \
    --print target-spec-json \
    --target mips-unknown-linux-gnu \
    > mips-nofloat-linux-gnu.json

Then edit mips-nofloat-linux-gnu.json

  • Change is-builtin to false
  • add +soft-float to features list.

Create test project

cargo new foo
cd foo

Configure linker

mkdir .cargo
cat > .cargo/config.toml
linker = "mips-linux-gnu-gcc"


Using musl (worked better for me):

cargo +nightly build --release -Zbuild-std --target mips-unknown-linux-musl.json

Using glibc (requires the optional step above):

cargo +nightly build --release -Zbuild-std --target mips-nofloat-linux-gnu.json

Change the “interpreter” to what the Ubiquiti system expects

cd target/mips-unknown-linux-musl/release  # or -gnu, if using glibc
patchelf \
    --remove-needed \
    --set-interpreter /lib/ \

Does it work?

$ ./foo
Hello, world!

